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Ivonne Higuero, Secretary General – CITES info@cites.org or (Twitter) @ivonnehiguero

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PETITION TARGET: Ivonne Higuero, Secretary General, CITES

UPDATE (6/1/2022): We sent our petition, signed by more than 26,000 people, over to CITES to urge them to end cruel trophy hunting. Thank you to everyone who raised their voices for these innocent animals! We’ll keep doing all we can to advocate for an end to this brutal industry. — Lady Freethinker Staff


British trophy hunters are massacring thousands of endangered puffins in Iceland during organized hunting trips, purely for “fun.”

The ruthless hunters are forking out around £3,000 ($3,650) per trip to slaughter as many as 100 of these defenseless puffins at a time before taking the birds’ lifeless bodies back to the UK to show off evidence of their cruel “sport,” according to evidence acquired by the Campaign to Ban Trophy Hunting.

Images show the hunters proudly posing with dozens of their murdered prey, holding up the rifles that killed these vulnerable birds.

Although puffins are protected in the UK, they don’t have the same status in Iceland, and in the past few years the population has dropped from around seven million to 5.4 million. The International Union for Conservation of Nature now lists puffins as a “vulnerable” species, indicating they are at significant risk of dying out completely.

We must ensure that puffins can thrive and survive in their natural environment and are not driven to extinction by the acts of selfish trophy hunters.

Please sign this petition urging Ivonne Higuero, Secretary General of CITES, to list puffins — as well as other animals including giraffes in danger of extinction from the unfettered trophy hunting trade – as a protected species and help put a stop to the drastic decline of these iconic birds.