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Alberta’s Minister of Forestry and Parks: [email protected]

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PETITION TARGET: Alberta’s Minister of Forestry and Parks

Caught in a terrifying trap and struggling for freedom before being brutally killed and skinned for a contest: Hundreds of wolves across Alberta, Canada are in danger of suffering this horrific fate if a cruel killing contest continues as planned.

Anyone who traps and skins a wolf according to contest guidelines could be given a bounty of $250 dollars by the Alberta Trappers Association and the Alberta Professional Outfitters Society.

The groups have advertised that they are willing to pay for as many as 400 wolves to die. The months-long contest awards top prizes of thousands of dollars – up to $5,000 – and the contest website does not appear to specify any limits to how many animals may be trapped or how old they must be. Countless animals could suffer painful deaths by trappers in pursuit of the top prize.

Wolf packs are tightly-knit families who travel, hunt, play, and sleep together. This cruel contest has the potential to devastate wolf families.

Wildlife experts say the wolf population in Alberta is only estimated to be around 7,000. Bounty contests like this could potentially destroy the population — and harm the environment, as wolves play a vital role in their ecosystems. These intelligent, majestic animals deserve respect. They do not deserve to be targeted and cruelly killed – for “fun” or in pursuit of profit.

Sign our petition to urge Alberta’s Minister of Forestry and Parks to stop this inhumane contest – which incentives the killing of wolves and risks the ecological health of Alberta’s wilderness.