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Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker

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28787 Signatures Collected
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Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker

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28,787 signatures

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PETITION TARGET: Massachusetts Senate Majority Leader Cynthia Stone Creem and Speaker of the House Ronald Mariano

UPDATE (3/14/2023):   The Beagle Bill passed the Massachusetts legislature on July 26, 2022 and was signed by the governor on August 4, 2022. Thank you to the more than 28,700 people for signing our petition! We will continue to advocate for alternative experimentation methods, so animals are no longer forced to suffer in research labs.

Lady Freethinker Staff


Held captive in lonely metal cages and burned, sliced and poisoned for cruel medical experiments, most laboratory dogs are callously destroyed at just a few years old when they are no longer “useful” to researchers.

But with new legislation, Massachusetts activists and lawmakers are working to stop this needless killing in their state. The “Beagle Bill” — so named because beagles are the most common breed used for testing — would require all institutions conducting research on animals to partner with animal shelters and adoption agencies to help place the animals into loving homes when the experiments end.

Eleven other states have already passed similar laws.

In Massachusetts, this bill was approved by the Senate in 2019 but never passed into law. Every year that this legislation is delayed, around 300 dogs in the state are needlessly killed after years of suffering.

It’s time to stop killing adoptable dogs who have years of love to give.

Sign this petition urging Governor Baker to strongly support the Beagle Bill, ensuring these innocent animals get the chance to live the rest of their lives protected and loved.