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Neiman Marcus CEO Geoffroy Van Raemdonck: [email protected]

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PETITION TARGET: Neiman Marcus CEO Geoffroy Van Raemdonck

UPDATE (7/1/2021): Thanks to pressure from the members of the public and animal-rights groups, luxury-fashion leader Neiman Marcus Group (NMG) on June 30 announced it will end the sale of products containing animal fur in all of its retail stores by early 2023.

Lady Freethinker would like to thank the over 28,000 readers who signed our petition urging NMG CEO Geoffroy van Raemdonck to take on this issue and institute real and industry-leading change. Our voices were heard!


Each year, millions of innocent animals are needlessly skinned alive, electrocuted, and bludgeoned to death to produce fur coats, hats, and trinkets. Neiman Marcus willingly participates in this inhumane brutality, and is specifically targeting impressionable young children with their unethical products.

A quick glance at the Neiman Marcus website reveals several fur products designed specifically for children: a fox fur headband, a goat fur vest, and a bomber jacket with a coyote fur trim.

Neiman Marcus must stop conditioning children to accept animal cruelty as “fashion,” and quit selling cruel fur products altogether.

Animals on fur farms are confined to tiny cages during their brief lives; before turning one year old, they are gruesomely killed in order to “take advantage” of their young pelts.

Animal fur — including the pink headband in the photo above — is also often sourced from China, a country known to defy the most basic animal welfare standards with no penalties for abusing animals on barbaric fur farms. The conditions these animals live in are so deplorable that, at times, their malnourishment leads to cannibalism.

Neiman Marcus must stop targeting young children with inhumane products. Sign this petition urging the CEO of Neiman Marcus Geoffroy Van Raemdonck to cease selling children fur products, introducing kids to the disgraceful world of animal abasement before they’re old enough to realize it, and stop carrying ALL products made from fur.