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The Attorney General of Malaysia : [email protected]

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PETITION TARGET: The Attorney General of Malaysia

This is a joint campaign by Lady Freethinker and Action for Primates.

UPDATE (8/23/23): Tragically, the Malaysian court has upheld a prosecutor’s decision to take no further action despite the overwhelming evidence of intentional cruelty and torture presented to investigators. Lady Freethinker will update you as soon as we have any other information to report. — Lady Freethinker Staff


Monkeys are being sadistically tortured and violently killed on camera in Malaysia so the gruesome footage can be distributed online in “monkey torture groups.”

The footage includes some of the most horrifying abuse that has been seen on private platforms. It’s also been posted on social media platforms, such as Facebook.

The monkeys being abused are long-tailed macaques who are captured from the wild. The species are protected according to the Malaysian Wildlife Conservation Act of 2010.

Lady Freethinker and Action for Primates are working with Lawyers for Animal Rights and Pertubuhan Hak Asasi Hidupan Liar Malaysia (Hidup) to investigate to torture and killings and in January 2023, Hidup filed a report with police in Malaysia that included harrowing evidence against an individual identified as being responsible for making videos of himself torturing and killing the monkeys.

Despite the overwhelming evidence, our report was classified as “No Further Action (NFA)” by the prosecutor, which means no action would be taken.

Long-tailed macaques – who are complex and intelligent animals and feel pain, love, and fear – don’t deserve to be ruthlessly tortured and killed for online views or ANY reason, and it’s absolutely crucial that officials reconsider this case of such extreme violence and death.

Sign the petition urging the Attorney General of Malaysia to reassess this horrifically violent case and take appropriate action for the individual(s) involved. If people are not punished for such appallingly cruelty, the abuse will not stop so it’s critical officials take immediate action.