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Zebulon Police Department: Police Chief Timothy Hayworth - [email protected]

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PETITION TARGET: Zebulon Police Department

UPDATE (7/5/2022): We sent our petition, signed by more than 19,000 people, to the Zebulon Police Department urging an investigation. Thank you to everyone who signed our petition! Unfortunately, we have not been able to obtain any information that someone was held accountable for this atrocious crime. We will do all we can for animals! —Lady Freethinker Staff


In a heartless act of animal cruelty, a tiny puppy was abandoned in the middle of swampland, tied to a tree and left for dead in Zebulon, North Carolina.

The puppy – now named Nash – was discovered by nearby resident Jess, who heard his pitiful whines from her backyard. Jess found Nash deep inside the swamp, surrounded by knee-deep mud and weeds. The rope used to tether him to the tree had cut deeply into his neck, and the wound was crawling with maggots, which had also entered the terrified puppy’s ears.

The SPCA of Wake County took Nash to the Care First Animal Hospital, where he received urgent care. Vets can’t be sure how long the puppy had been tied up, but the deep wound indicates that he’d been struggling against the rope for quite some time. They also found evidence of chemical burns on his ear and tail.

Nash’s foster carers have since discovered that he is deaf, but are not sure if this is due to the maggots living in his ears or a pre-existing condition.

If nobody had found him, this innocent puppy would have ended up killed by coyotes or bobcats, or starved to death alone and afraid.

Sign this petition calling for justice for Nash. Urge the Zebulon Police Department to use all available resources to find the person who cruelly left this tiny puppy alone to die, and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law.