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Mobile County District Attorney Keith Blackwood/[email protected]

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PETITION TARGET: Mobile County District Attorney

Two helpless dogs were thrown from a bridge in Mobile, Alabama and plunged 73-feet into the water below, in what appeared to be an intentional act of cruelty, according to police and reported by FOX10 News.

A man nearby reportedly heard the splash and gasps from people and called the police after spotting the dogs. The dogs were rescued, wrapped in towels, and brought to Mobile Animal Services. They were remarkably uninjured from their fall and are now being cared for by a foster family — but they never should have been subjected to this horrifying ordeal in the first place.

A mother and her son have been arrested and charged with two counts of felony cruelty to a dog. The mother reportedly instructed her son to commit this offense after discovering the dogs had eaten her chickens.

“She wanted to kill the dogs,” one of the suspects reportedly told FOX10 News.

No animal should have to endure the terror and pain these dogs must have experienced as they were hurled through the air and landed in the water below — where they may have drowned.

Sign our petition urging the Mobile County District Attorney to prosecute those responsible to the fullest extent of the law — including mandating intensive psychological intervention and a lifelong ban on having animals.