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Laurel Chief of Police Russell Hamill, [email protected]

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PETITION TARGET: Laurel Chief of Police Russell Hamill

UPDATE (4/26/2022): Laurel police have charged Nathaniel Francis Thompson with aggravated animal cruelty and animal cruelty. He was scheduled for a trial in the District Court in Prince George’s County, Md., starting on Feb. 23, 2022, but the trial did not proceed. Instead, Thompson’s case was placed on the STET Docket for a year, meaning that he currently faces no jail time, no probation, and no fines unless he commits additional offenses and that the record of this act will be expunged within a year’s time — leaving no record — if he stays within the law. We’ve strongly denounced this lack of accountability — you can read our full story here, or as picked up by local news.  —Lady Freethinker Staff


In a vicious and cruel act, at least 10 unsuspecting seagulls were slaughtered, crushed beyond hope after a malicious person lured them into a trap and ran them over with his or her vehicle. Just one bird survived the massacre.

According to the Laurel Police Department, the suspect intentionally attracted the innocent birds with a bag of pre-popped popcorn, gathering them into a group in the Laurel Plaza Shopping Center’s parking lot. The off-guard seagulls enjoyed their snack without knowing the horror that was to come when the car slammed into them, breaking their bones and collapsing their lungs. The perpetrator then fled the scene.

We must speak out to ensure police find whoever committed this heinous crime and prevent him or her from harming other animals.

Please, sign this petition urging Laurel Chief of Police Russell Hamill to use every available resource to find the person responsible for brutally killing these seagulls, bringing justice to the birds and prosecuting their killer to the fullest extent of the law.

Police are asking anyone with information regarding this incident to contact Cpl. Wilson at [email protected] or to send tips to [email protected].