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PETITION TARGET: Derbyshire Constable/[email protected]/https://www.derbyshire.police.uk/

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PETITION TARGET: Derbyshire Constable

A family of baby swans in Derbyshire, England appear to have been targeted in multiple acts of alleged cruelty over the course of several weeks, leaving three birds dead and one injured, according to Yahoo News.

The most recent swan to be allegedly targeted was found dead and stabbed — and a metal spike was found next to the bird’s lifeless body, according to a photo taken by a community member and reported by the BBC. The other swans appear to have been shot at with handheld catapults.

Roscoe is the only swan from the family of four to survive — after reportedly suffering injuries from being shot at with a metal ball bearing. He is reportedly recovering at a sanctuary, but he will never see his siblings again.

No animal deserves to suffer such a painful death — or to watch their family be killed one-by-one.

“Somebody is willfully going to Loscoe Dam to purposefully target the wildlife, and it may not just be Loscoe Dam,” Karen Hall, a concerned community member, told the BBC. “It might be other areas where there are swans and wildlife that this person is targeting.”

The person(s) responsible for this alleged cruelty must be identified and stopped for the safety of baby swans like Roscoe and other wildlife. The police have not yet declared these acts unlawful, according to a statement from the force.

Please sign this petition to urge the Derbyshire police department to fully investigate these incidents before another innocent animal is hurt or killed.

If you have information that can help explain these horrific acts, please contact the police and reference this number: 24000503365. Anonymous reports can be shared with Crime Stoppers at this website: https://crimestoppers-uk.org/