PETITION TARGET: Albemarle County Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office
A helpless dog is roughly yanked out of the passenger seat of a stopped car and thrown to the snowy pavement by a figure, video footage taken in a Keswick, Virginia neighborhood appears to show. The dog is seen retreating while the person raises what appears to be a riding crop overhead – and seems to strike the innocent dog. The figure, alleged to be the dog’s guardian, appears to beat the dog again and again.
As the video circulated, it sparked outrage for the defenseless dog — who has allegedly suffered years of neglect before this incident was caught on camera. Concerned neighbors say the dog spent much of his life chained to a tree, as reported by local news.
No dog deserves to be beaten – or to be tied up and left outdoors to suffer in the elements, all alone, possibly even in fear of the person who is supposed to provide care and love.
A man has been charged in this case and the dog has been surrendered, according to authorities. We are urging the prosecution to treat this case with the severity it deserves so that no other innocent dog suffers.
Sign our petition urging the Albemarle County Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office to prosecute this man to the fullest extent of the law – including a lifelong ban on having animals.