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Animal Control Officer Michelle Proctor: [email protected].

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PETITION TARGET: Provo Police Department

After getting shot needlessly with a blow dart at a state park in Provo, Utah, one innocent kitten had her front leg amputated and could have died from a punctured lung, according to the Provo Police Department. The week before, another helpless cat had an arrow lodged in her eye in another horrifying incident.

Police don’t know yet if the two cases are related, but both cats face a long road to recovery and will suffer from senseless trauma and lifelong injuries. 

Whoever is responsible for these two crimes must be found and charged before more animals are harmed or killed. There is no excuse for launching a potentially deadly projectile at a defenseless creature, and these cats deserve justice.

Sign this petition urging the Provo Police Department to use all available resources to identify and arrest the individual(s) behind these sickening acts of cruelty.

This is an ongoing investigation. Anyone with information is urged to contact Animal Control Officer Michelle Proctor at [email protected].