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Christine Hoffman, acting Gloucester County prosecutor, [email protected]

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PETITION TARGET: Acting Gloucester County Prosecutor Christine Hoffman

UPDATE (2/20/2023): Christopher Pozzi pleaded guilty to a count of fourth degree animal cruelty and has been sentenced to 18 months in a state prison, with credit for 142 days already served. He’s also been ordered to pay more than $9,000 in vet bills to the animal hospital that treated Eileen the cat, who arrived with several jaw fractures. She has since been adopted by one of the animal hospital’s vet techsThank you to everyone who signed our petition for this sweet cat! — Lady Freethinker Staff


Eileen, an innocent cat with soft gray fur, suffered a broken jaw after being repeatedly slammed into the ground and then tossed into a dumpster by a man previously convicted on charges of murder, CBS Philadelphia reported.

A caring resident who lives in the apartment complex near the attack came home to find drops of blood near her door. The witness then checked the doorbell camera footage and saw a man approach a cat and start violently slamming her into the ground.

Authorities who viewed the footage said the man slammed the poor cat onto concrete at least three times, for no apparent reason. He then reportedly returned a short time later and tossed her broken body into a dumpster.

The witness said she’s still haunted by the cruelty.

“I couldn’t even watch it fully,” the witness told news. “I really only heard it.”

Authorities have arrested Christopher Pozzi, 51, who has a history of violent behavior; he spent nearly 20 years in a Florida jail after pleading guilty to second degree murder and also has several charges in New Jersey, according to news reports.

The link between intentional cruelty toward animals and violence against humans is well documented. This case must be taken extremely seriously in order to ensure that no additional animals — or humans — are harmed.

Sign our petition urging prosecutors to treat this case the severity it deserves, including a lifelong ban on owning or possessing animals for the individual(s) responsible as well as any needed intervention services such as anger management or psychological counseling to help prevent future acts of animal cruelty.