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London Police Department: https://www.cityoflondon.police.uk/contact/af/contact-us/

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PETITION TARGET: London Police Department

An innocent cat was decapitated and the animal’s head placed face up on a children’s playground in London, England, according to news reports.

A staff member at Homerton Grove Adventure Playground made the grisly discovery of the animal’s severed head at the bottom of a slide, which reportedly was one of the most popularly used pieces of equipment in the park. Authorities are investigating whether the head was put there intentionally, according to news reports.

“The head was very carefully placed at the bottom of a children’s play apparatus and left in a way that it would be easily found,” an investigator told news.

Officials believe the gruesome act took place on either the 23rd or 24th of April.

It’s absolutely crucial that this horrifying case be treated with the severity it deserves. The link between intentional acts of fatal violence against animals and human abuse is well documented.

Sign our petition urging law enforcement to use all available resources to find the individual(s) responsible for this horrific act and to forward any applicable animal cruelty charges on to a prosecutor, and for any prosecutor to treat this case with the severity it deserves — including a maximum ban on owning animals for the person(s) responsible.

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) is appealing for anyone with information to contact them at 0300 123 8018.