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Prosecutors: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] AND Highbury Magistrates Court: [email protected]

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PETITION TARGETS: Prosecutors Highbury Magistrates Court; London Metropolitan Police

UPDATE (3/24/2023):  Charges have been dropped against David Avhanvhondo, according to news reports. A Crown Prosecutorial Services spokesperson told Lady Freethinker, “Prosecutors must keep cases under continual review to ensure our legal test is met. After receiving further evidence, we concluded there was no longer a realistic prospect of conviction, and we discontinued the case. That is the end of the matter.” However, that cannot be the end of the matter, as whoever intentionally and fatally killed multiple animals is still on the loose, and the link is well established between people who commit acts of serious and intentional violence against animals who continue violence against animals AND humans. In light of these dropped charges, we are re-routing our petition to London’s Metropolitan Police and urging them to re-open an investigation until they find a suspect who CAN be held accountable for these heinous deaths. We’re also urging prosecutors to use whatever investigatory powers they have to NOT let this be “the end” of this fatal animal cruelty case. — Lady Freethinker Staff


At least 20 defenseless cats have been found — mutilated, dead, and decapitated — in North London, according to news reports.

Investigators have determined the cats likely were killed by a single person between September and February. At least some of the defenseless animals reportedly had been beheaded, while others had their faces cut off, according to news reports.

Authorities have charged David Avhanvhondo on counts of violating the Animal Welfare Act 2006 and causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal. Avhanvhondo pleaded not guilty to both charges when he appeared before the Highbury Magistrates Court.

The link between intentional, fatal, and gruesome cruelty to animals and later — or simultaneous — acts of violence against people is well-documented. 

Whoever heinously killed these sweet cats must be held fully accountable — including a maximum ban on owning or being near animals and intensive counseling, supervision, or other needed intervention services. 

Sign our petition urging prosecutors and the court to treat this case with the severity it deserves and send a clear message that fatal and intentional animal cruelty will NOT be taken lightly.