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Bibb County Sheriff's Department: [email protected]

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PETITION TARGET: Bibb County Sheriff’s Department

UPDATE: We are thrilled to share the great news that Hope – now named Lucy – is recovering well, and is in the care of a loving foster dad. Watch this video of Lucy playing with her foster dad. Meanwhile, we’ve tried to check in with the Bibb County Sheriff’s department via email, social media, and fax, with no response to our multiple inquiries. We are disappointed that we’ve not been able to reach anyone with the investigative department for an update on whether they investigated this case. We’ll keep doing all we can for animals.  —Lady Freethinker Staff


A dog suffering in agony from horrific burns was dumped in a cage on the side of the road in Bibb County, Alabama earlier his month, left in searing summer temperatures with no food or water and gaping wounds.

The pit bull mix — now named ‘Hope’ — had severe, deep burns covering her back, most likely caused by scalding hot grease, water, or possibly acid. The deep, open wounds had become infected, and were infested with maggots.

The team at the Veterinary Hospital of Centerville performed surgery to clean Hope’s gruesome injuries; it took more than two hours to remove the maggots from her body.

Local animal rescue organization Friends of the Bibb County Pound are sponsoring Hope’s extensive medical bills, and report that in spite of her traumatic experience, she is a sweet dog with a loving nature.

Whoever left this gravely injured dog for dead is still at large, a threat to animals and humans.

Sign this petition urging the Bibb County Sheriff’s Department to use all available resources to find the person who tortured Hope, prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law and ensure they are never allowed near an animal again.

Anyone with information in this case, please call police at (205) 926-4683.