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Enrique Saiz, CEO, Wamos Air: [email protected] // Royal Caribbean International (Michael Bayley, President and CEO: [email protected])// [email protected] AND https://springwatercapital.ch/contact/

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PETITION TARGETS: WAMOS Air, Royal Caribbean Group, and Other Airline Stakeholders

UPDATE (4/24/2023): We sent our petition, signed by more than 36,000 people, to WAMOS Air, the Royal Caribbean Group, and other airline stakeholders. Thank you for helping us speak up for these animals! Although we’ve not yet heard that WAMOS Air has stopped these cruel shipments, they are now aware that thousands of caring people condemn their actions. We’ll continue to advocate for monkeys and all animals! — Lady Freethinker Staff


Packed into tiny shipping crates and sometimes airborne for more than 24 hours, macaque monkeys on WAMOS air flights — owned in part by parent company Royal Caribbean Cruises — endure grueling and life-threatening journeys on their way to cruel experiments in research labs, as reported by nonprofit Action for Primates.

Monkeys sometimes become ill or die in transit due to stress from factors like inadequate ventilation, loud noises, and extended confinement in cargo holds. Even those who survive can be weakened and more susceptible to infection or disease, Action for Primates said.

Some of the more than 700 monkeys on a November WAMOS Air flight from Cambodia to Houston died on their way to a U.S. lab that conducts toxicity testing, as reported in The Independent.

Monkeys in cruel toxicity tests are injected or force-fed chemicals or other hazardous substances to test “safety” levels for human consumers, despite decades of evidence that shows animal testing is costly, unreliable, and dangerous – as several products deemed “safe” from animal tests were recalled after causing harm or death in humans.

A growing number of scientists recognize that human biology-based alternatives are the way forward for human health and safety – not genetically unsound and inhumane animal tests.

It’s time for WAMOS Air to join the dozens of other airlines that have refused to charter flights or transport monkeys for research. It’s the right thing to do – for the monkeys, for people, and for the progress of science.

Sign our petition urging WAMOS Air to stop shipping research monkeys, and for Royal Caribbean Group and other airline stakeholders to withdraw their backing if the airline isn’t willing to end this inhumane and dangerous practice.