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Germán Rojas, the Ambassador of the Republic of Paraguay in the United States of America: [email protected]

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PETITION TARGET: Germán Rojas, Ambassador of the Republic of Paraguay

UPDATE (6/20/2023): We sent our petition, signed by more than 22,000 people, to the Ambassador of the Republic of Paraguay. Thank you to everyone who signed our petition! Unfortunately, we were not able to get any additional details about this case despite multiple checks back. We’ll continue to advocate for animals! —Lady Freethinker Staff


A dog in San Lorenzo, Paraguay, suffered horrific injuries after a lit firecracker exploded in his mouth — put there by a group of children.

Photos too gruesome to be displayed here show blood pouring from the dog’s nose and mouth after the firecracker literally blew up in his face. He suffered serious burns and multiple fractures to his upper and lower jaw, requiring extensive surgery.

Named Rubia Esperanza (Blonde Hope) by the compassionate people caring for him, the dog’s recovery is slow and painful; he has internal wires and external braces throughout his jaw.

Children who abuse animals are especially prone to going on to commit more cruel and violent acts — to both animals and humans. It is therefore imperative that authorities — and parents — intervene now to make sure these youth don’t grow up into repeat offenders.

Sign this petition to urge Paraguay officials to use all resources available to find these children and require intensive psychological counseling for them as well as their guardians.