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Senator Henry Stern, Chair of the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Water - https://sd27.senate.ca.gov/contact

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PETITION TARGET: California Governor Gavin Newsom

UPDATE: Victory! On October 12, 2019, California Governor Newsom signed SB-313 into law, banning the use of elephants, tigers, and other exotic animals in circuses performing in the state. Thank you, Governor Newsom, for protecting exotic animals in California from this cruel practice.


Babies torn from their mothers, trapped in cramped, dirty cages, and tortured to perform tricks out of fear. This is the reality of the cruel circus industry — and every day, animals are suffering for this so-called “entertainment.”

These animals deserve better.

And a new bill proposed in California could help save them from the cruelty.

Authored by State Senator Ben Hueso (D-San Diego), SB-313 would ban the use of elephants, tigers, lions and other exotic animals in any traveling act performing in the state. If passed, the bill would spare animals from abuse and show that we are no longer willing to tolerate cruelty for human amusement.

These animals may be whipped until they bleed, choked with tight collars, and forced to jump through rings of fire that leave horrific burns on their bodies.  They are left physically, mentally, and emotionally scarred. The abuse has to stop.

No animal should suffer at the hands of humans for any reason – least of all for our entertainment.

Sign this petition urging California Governor Gavin Newsom to work to pass this bill, and help bring an end to animal exploitation.