Struggling to come up with the perfect way to seduce your sweetheart this Valentine’s Day? Look no further than your furry wing man. According to a recent study, 76% of people find a romantic partner more attractive if they’re pet friendly.
Petcube, a retailer that makes cameras to record all of your companion animal’s crazy antics, conducted their first annual Valentine’s Day Survey in January with a sample of 3,771 people from all around the world.
The results: People are crazy in love with their pets.
Besides pets making you more attractive, the survey also concluded that a 3-way-love-affair with your pet can sometimes be complicated: Consider the following data:
· 25% of people have taken their pet with them on a date.
· 9% have broken up with their partner over a pet.
Coincidence? Maybe. But the lesson here is to not get between the bond of a human and their furry companion.
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways…
91% of the survey participants tell their pet they love them.
They show them love by: petting them (96%), playing with them (96%), and by giving them treats (91%).
70% of the survey participants let their pet sleep with them in their bed.
32% kiss their pets on the lips (Kiss with caution: Parasites can be passed this way.)
And in what is perhaps the greatest act of love for pets, 76 percent of those surveyed adopted their pets from a shelter or the streets.
Last year, pet owners dropped $681 millions dollars on Valentines Day gifts for pets. This year 54% of the survey sampled plan to buy a present for their pet this year.
So if you’re looking for gift ideas for that special someone, don’t forget to pick something up for their furry or feathered friend, too.