Nine days after a car accident tore them apart, Bodie, a 1-year-old Black Mouth Cur, and his guardian, Amanda Bergman, were brought back together with the help of their Brevard County, Florida community.

After the traumatic car crash left her vehicle totaled, Bergman lost consciousness.

“I remember seeing his fur, and I think once I saw his fur, I kind of just went out,” Amanda Bergman told local news.

A scared and confused Bodie ran, his leash trailing behind him, while Bergman was taken to the hospital. When Bergman woke up, she had no idea what had happened to him and feared the worst.

Unable to walk due to her injuries, Bergman turned to social media for help. She listed Bodie’s favorite foods and possible areas he could’ve headed after the crash. As her message spread, the local rescue group, Brevard Alliance Rescuing K9’s (B.A.R.K.), also joined the search for Bodie — demonstrating the community’s support.

After nine long days of relentless searching, Bodie was finally found within a mile of the crash site.

“I received a call from someone stating he was currently in their fenced in backyard and barking at their dogs,” Bergman wrote on Facebook. “They were considering on calling animal rescue but decide to take a look on Facebook.”

A skinny but unhurt Bodie was welcomed home with many hugs and kisses, one of his favorite meals of eggs and vegetables, and as many treats as he wanted.

Lady Freethinker applauds the entire animal-loving Brevard County community for coming together to search for Bodie, helping a frightened and traumatized dog reunite with his guardian.