A young man in Australia charged with killing 11 kangaroos recently pleaded guilty to the horrific crime. Even though he confessed, he walked free after being sentenced to 500 hours of community service.
Nathan Sanger, 20, plowed over multiple kangaroos with his utility truck one night at the end of September on the South Coast of New South Wales. Residents were met with the horrible and devastating site of butchered kangaroos strewn across their lawns the next morning. Sanger was arrested in connection with the crime but was released on bail shortly after.
When his case was tried at the end of November, he pleaded guilty to one count of torturing, beating, and killing an animal. Magistrate Douglas Dick commuted his sentence, and according to court documents, Sanger received a two-year correction order. Per this order, he must be fingerprinted, have good behavior, and complete his community service. No other preventative or decisive measures are being taken.
This mild sentence is shocking for such a brutal crime. We must use our voices to speak out against animal cruelty and urge law enforcement and the law to hold animal abusers accountable. Please call, email, or write Magistrate Dick to share your dismay at this paltry sentence, which sends a message across the nation that animal torturers will get away with their crimes.
Chief Magistrate’s Office Contact Information:
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