Two newborn puppies named Yin and Yang became part of a sweet new family when a nursing mama cat adopted them as her own at a Vernon, Texas Humane Society.

The puppies were only two days old when they lost their birth mother. Shelter staff began bottle feeding them immediately, but they knew the puppies really needed a new mother to thrive.

Julie Newmar, an 8-month-old cat, and her one-week-old daughter, Eartha Kitt, arrived at the Wilbarger Humane Society just after the puppies were orphaned. The arrival of a nursing mother gave the shelter staff new hope.

The team decided to try introducing the puppies to mama cat Julie to see if she would accept them — and she did wholeheartedly.

In an adorable video posted by the shelter, the tiny kitten Eartha is cuddled up with puppies Yin and Yang while their mama sits close by. The beautiful blended family is a testament to what loving mothers cats can be. Mama cat Julie does not typically care for dogs, according to shelter staff, but these newborn puppies were an exception.

“She’s a really, really good mommy,” Suize Streit, the office manager of the Wilbarger Humane Society, told local news.

Like kittens, newborn puppies need to nurse every few hours. They depend on their mothers for everything during the first couple weeks of their life, including keeping them warm, getting around, and encouraging them to go to the bathroom. Yin and Yang are much more wobbly on their legs than their adopted kitten sibling Eartha, but they appear to be just as loved by mama cat Julie.

Lady Freethinker applauds the Wilbarger Humane Society team for thinking creatively to bring this beautiful little family together — and encourages everyone to spay and neuter companion animals to help keep them healthy and safe!