Lady Freethinker (LFT) spoke up for animals, bringing attention to the horrors of fur with a demonstration at the Berluti flagship store in Paris, France — urging the luxury retailer to stop all fur sales immediately. LFT’s latest action follows years of advocating against the cruelty of the fur industry through petitions and investigations.
LFT supporters and members of the local animal advocacy group Les Autres Animaux protested outside 14 Rue de Sèvres with a banner, signs, and shirts displaying our message: fur is torture.
At the demonstration, activists presented over 46,000 signatures from LFT’s petition to store employees, with a plea to alert Berluti headquarters to the petition’s call to action to immediately stop all sales of fur.
Hearing our calls for justice, Berluti shut its doors on our protesters — but we won’t be silenced. We will keep speaking out against the cruel fur industry until fur sales end for good.
Multiple LFT investigations into fur farms show foxes skinned alive — all for their fur. This includes LFT’s most recent fur investigation into numerous fur farms in China, revealing a fox hanging upside down, screaming in pain as the skin was peeled from their body.
Investigators also documented workers ripping foxes out of their enclosures by their sensitive tails or with metal poles and shoving them into cages packed with other animals. Workers then hauled the cages crowded with petrified foxes and hurled them onto the backs of trucks, the foxes falling over each other within wire enclosures.
“With so many luxurious, cruelty-free materials available today, there is really no excuse for Berluti to sell fur from animals who suffered,” said Lady Freethinker President and Founder Nina Jackel. “We urge Beruti to join the many other retailers that have banned fur, because foxes and minks don’t deserve to be caged, tormented, and killed for fashion.”
LFT also previously led a week of action against Berluti’s parent company, LVMH, encouraging supporters to email and call the company to tell them to stop selling fur.
The unmissable protest made its mark on the public, prompting one person to clap enthusiastically while walking past.
As long as the horrors of fur farming continue and the fur industry continues to profit from this disturbing violence, Lady Freethinker will continue fighting to end this suffering. By uniting our voices, we can pressure these fashion companies to stop funding torture and end the sale of fur.
Horrific animal cruelty is not luxurious or fashionable.
Please sign our petitions today urging Berluti and LVMH to stop selling animal fur. Remember to leave all real furs, skins, and feathers — new or used — out of your wardrobe to show this suffering is unacceptable.