After four months of eluding Denver Animal Protection (DAP), volunteers finally caught a white Australian shepherd suffering from an alleged gunshot wound to his face and facilitated treatment for his injuries, according to local news.

The stray dog, who has since been named Solo Vino, became an expert at evading capture after neighbors first spotted him in April. But when a resident heard a gunshot and the sounds of an animal in pain, catching him became crucial.

The community’s vigilance and concern played a significant role in his eventual rescue. News reported that volunteers Sarah Luv-Garcia and Karlee Arguello set up a trap where Solo Vino frequently appeared, filling it with treats like chicken, wet cat food, and cheese. After trapping him, they contacted DAP, and he was taken to the Denver Animal Shelter.

“We just really wanted to get the dog,” Luv-Garcia told FOX 31. “I mean, hearing an animal get shot in the face, it’s gut-wrenching, for any animal to be out there alive and suffering.”

Despite his ordeal, Solo Vino has shown remarkable resilience. Denver Animal Shelter veterinarian Dr. Patricia Crystal told Denverite that he had a small hole in his cheek and broken teeth when she examined him. She said that although she “removed two metal pieces” from his mouth, he was still “bright and alert.” His spirit is genuinely inspiring.

Denver Animal Shelter provided a Facebook update and a photo of Solo Vino wearing a cone and muzzle as part of his medical treatment. The shelter said that he is “currently stable and undergoing medical care for a jaw fracture.”

According to DAP Lt. Josh Rolfe, police and DAP are still investigating Solo Vino’s shooting, hoping to uncover information about who shot him.

Lady Freethinker commends the DAP and the volunteers for their determination to help Solo Vino and treat his injuries as quickly as possible.