In honor of America Recycles Day, Keep America Beautiful is running an online sweepstakes with a first prize of a $1,000 gift card to, seller of green home furniture and décor. Second prize is a pair of Trexplanter boxes made from 95 percent recycled content, and third prize is a $250 gift card. The contest ends on November 18, and you can enter via Facebook.

America Recycles Day, a national campaign by Keep America Beautiful, occurs November 15 with a slew of recycling-themed events in the weeks leading up to it. The project educates people about what and how to recycle, and reminds people that recycling is a daily, personal choice that helps keep our planet clean.

“#BeRecycled is a call-to-action to invite individuals to actively pursue and live a recycled lifestyle,” said Brenda Pulley, Senior Vice President, Recycling, Keep America Beautiful in a press release. “We encourage everyone to take the #BeRecycled Pledge and to commit to the ‘Reduce. Reuse. Recycle’ mantra in every aspect of their lives. And it doesn’t have to stop there! There is an abundance of products that are made with recycled content – make a pledge to buy those items over the traditional versions.”

The project serves to remind people that they can take steps to reduce waste and pollution not just on America Recycles Day, but every day.

Anyone can host an America Recycles Day event to spread the word about recycling and help keep the Earth beautiful. Tips for activities, posters, banners, media outreach tools, and more can be found on the Keep America Beautiful website.