An emaciated and wounded pit bull found lying weak and helpless on the side of the road has transformed into a happy and healthy dog, thanks to the caring actions of a mail carrier who rescued and officially adopted her.

Alex Badecker was going about their usual mail route one Monday when they spied two starving and severely injured dogs on the side of the road, according to People.

“When I stopped and got out, I almost cried, they looked so bad,” Badecker told Dogtime. “I knew I needed to finish the last delivery, but I kept thinking it would be wrong to leave them.”

The sweet brown dog, now named Iris, and her companion, who was named FedEx, became the next priority delivery. Badecker contacted Morgan’s Mutts in Amelia County and got the dogs immediate help. Deb Morgan, founder of the rescue, described the dogs on intake as “skin over bones, basically.”

Sadly, FedEx had to be euthanized due to his severe neglect. But after intensive medical care and rest, Iris regained her health and was ready for fostering. When Morgan’s Mutts began looking into a home for Iris, Badecker — who had been keeping tabs on how the dogs were doing — came to the rescue once again.

Iris, Before and After (Deb Morgan/Morgan’s Mutts)

Iris reunited with her rescuer after Badecker offered to foster-to-adopt the pit bull mix. After an introduction to Badecker’s other dog, Slingshot, it was clear that Iris belonged with this loving family.

As to Iris’ name, Badecker believes it’s a fitting one.

“It actually means rainbow,” Badecker told news. “Basically, what’s more hopeful than a rainbow?”

Since being reunited, Iris has been adopted officially by Badecker, and she is now enjoying life in a beautiful home, with plenty of room to run around. She has gained weight and is healing from her traumatic past, thanks to the love of her new family.

She’s also made a new best friend in Badecker’s other companion dog, Slingshot.

Alex with Iris

Alex with Iris and Slingshot (Deb Morgan/Morgan’s Mutts)

“It just takes a second sometimes,” Badecker told Richmond News. “Being kind to somebody else, another animal, it can change somebody’s whole day sometimes. I have no idea what her backstory is…I just want to make the best for her now and in the future.”

Lady Freethinker applauds the compassionate action of these rescuers! Iris’ story is an uplifting reminder that adoption can truly make a hugely positive difference for abandoned dogs just waiting to share their love and light. Please remember to always adopt — not shop — for new companion animals.

For more uplifting news about rescues-turned-adoption, check out another happy new beginning here.