As Easter approaches, it’s important to be mindful about dangers to pets. Here are some holiday items to exercise caution with around your furry companions.


Easter basket fillers such as plastic grass, toys, foil wrappers, and plastic eggs are dangerous to your pets if they chew or swallow them. These materials can cause intestinal blockages, gastroenteritis, or pancreatitis if ingested and may have to be surgically removed. Additionally, plastic Easter grass can get tangled around an animal’s tongue.

Keep these items out of the reach and consider using alternative materials, such as tissue paper.

The following symptoms indicate that your pet may have eaten plastic or foil: vomiting, weakness, dehydration, appetite loss, bloating, and pain. Seek veterinary attention immediately if you notice any of these signs.

Chocolate Easter Candy

Ingesting chocolate is potentially fatal for pets, especially dogs. Toxic amounts vary according to the cocoa content and an animal’s size, but it’s best to avoid exposing pets to it entirely.

To keep animals safe, keep chocolate out of their reach. Double check your home to make sure there are no chocolates where pets might find them, especially during and after gatherings.

If you hide chocolate for an outdoor children’s hunt, thoroughly check your yard afterward for any pieces that weren’t discovered during the event. Another idea is to host a pet-friendly treat hunt using items that are safe for dogs to eat.

If you suspect that your pet has eaten chocolate, seek veterinary care immediately.

Easter Lilies

Eating just one or two leaves or ingesting a small amount of pollen from certain Easter plants can cause fatal kidney failure for cats.

Poisonous Easter flowers include the Tiger, Day, Asiatic, Easter, and Japanese Show lilies. All parts of these plants are highly poisonous to cats, causing acute kidney failure within 24-72 hours of consumption.

To keep your household cat-friendly, please be cautious about what types of Easter flowers you bring inside!

Due to the deadly nature of these plants, seek veterinary attention immediately upon suspecting or learning that he or she has eaten even just a small amount.

Precautionary measures are important to keep your animal companion safe, healthy, and happy during the Easter holiday.