June 14th is the ninth annual Ban Live Exports International Awareness Day — and this year is marked with momentum as animal activists across the globe are calling on world governments to follow Great Britain’s lead and end the inhumane transportation of farmed animals for slaughter.

Animals are sentient beings, but they are treated like cargo in “live exports.” Crowded in trucks, trains, and ships, millions of animals are forced to endure painful and stressful transit each year. They may suffer extreme heat, hunger, dehydration, and may be injured or become sick during weeks-long transportation. Transit may be hundreds or thousands of miles without rest — leaving animals to languish in excrement. The animals may still be young: like calves, recently taken from their mothers. After enduring this frightening and grueling transit, many of the animals are brutally slaughtered.

Each of these animals is a living, feeling being. Like dogs, cats, and other species, they deserve compassion.

Live transit may be frightening, painful, and even deadly — 13,000 sheep tragically died of starvation and dehydration when the ship they were being transported on was unable to dock, according to Compassion in World Farming. This tragedy took place on June 14th, 2015 and inspired the first annual Ban Live Exports International Awareness Day.

Nine years later, several countries have taken steps towards a more compassionate future. Great Britain’s ban on live exports is the most recent. Australia, Brazil, and New Zealand have also announced legislation to curb the suffering of farmed animals.

Cows, sheep, pigs, and other innocent animals should not be forced to suffer stressful and painful transport of hundreds or thousands of miles before being slaughtered.

Lady Freethinker, Compassion in World Farming, and other animal protection nonprofits will continue to campaign for an end to farmed animal suffering. You can help by joining the global action this June 14th by posting on social media using the hashtag #BanLiveExports to advocate for a global end to the cruelty.

You can also take action for animals by choosing more compassionate plant-based foods and by signing the petition to ban live exports across the entire EU.

SIGN: End Cruel and Illegal EU Live Animal Exports