Texas veterinarian Kristen Lindsey made headlines in 2015 after killing a cat with a bow and arrow and bragging about it on social media, along with posting a photo of herself holding the slain animal in the air. As a result of her actions, Lindsey’s license to practice was revoked for one year, followed by four years of probation.
It’s bad enough that this disgraced veterinarian will ever be able to practice again, period. But the lenient terms handed to her by the court were still unacceptable to Lindsey. Arguing that her actions “had nothing to do with the practice of veterinary medicine,” she challenged the Texas Board of Veterinary Medical Examiner’s decision.
The court upheld the original verdict, which had allowed Lindsey to resume practicing in October of last year under the supervision of a board-approved veterinarian. Quarterly progress reports about Lindsey’s work must be submitted by the veterinarian supervising her. Additionally, Lindsey is required to pay back all costs associated with her appeals.
Many animal advocates outraged by Lindsey’s actions remain unsatisfied with her punishment, including Becky Robinson, founder and president of Alley Cat Allies. Robinson referred to the one-year suspension of Lindsey’s license as a “grossly inadequate” punishment.
We agree with Robinson’s opinion: “Kristen Lindsey should never be trusted to practice veterinary medicine again.”