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Oregon House Speaker Dan Rayfield: [email protected]; Speaker Pro Tempore Paul Holvey: [email protected]; Democratic Leader Julie Haley: [email protected]; Republican Leader Vikki Iverson: [email protected]

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PETITION TARGET: Oregon House Speaker Dan Rayfield; Reps Paul Holvey, Julie Fahey, and Vikki Iverson

Irritated eyes, chemical burns, and excruciating deaths are only a few ways animals like rabbits, rats, and guinea pigs suffer in cruel testing of cosmetic products.

But in Oregon, a newly proposed bill could ban the sale of cosmetics created by using these gruesome and unnecessary tests.

House Bill (HB) 3213 would prohibit the sale of cosmetics — such as skin moisturizers, fingernail polish, lipstick, and eye and facial makeup – produced using animal testing, starting on Jan. 1, 2024.  If passed, the law would fine violators up to $5,000 on the first offense, and up to $1,000 for every following violation.

Decades of gold-standard research shows that testing on animals is unsafe, unreliable, and costly due to irreconcilable genetic differences between humans and other species.  Ten U.S. states already have passed bans on animal testing for cosmetics — and it’s time for Oregon to join them.

There are plenty of effective, humane alternatives that do not involve killing sensitive and intelligent animals. The recent passage of the FDA Modernization Act — which removed an antiquated mandate for drugs to be tested on animals — further underscores that there is no place in society for these horrific tests on animals.

Sign our petition to urge Oregon House Representatives to quickly pass this lifesaving bill so that it can be presented to the state Senate and governor.