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PETITION TARGET: Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife

In the dark, buried under meters of soil, jackals and their young are reportedly slowly suffocating to death.

Deemed a nuisance to some local farmers, jackals have become a target for eradication in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN), according to the Maritzburg Sun.

To prevent the jackals from feeding on crops and cattle, farmers have allegedly trapped the animals within anthills and blocked off any entry points with dense soil.

Despite the practice being condemned by local residents and animal advocates, the live burial of these animals is reportedly an ongoing method for eradication.

As long as this cruelty is permitted, jackals in KZN will be victims of gruesome suffering and death. 

“I watched a jackal digging [herself] out of the ground,” a concerned resident said, as reported by Capital Newspapers. “[She] then turned around and continued to dig at the hole in the ground. An animal will only do that if her children are in there. They are buried deep, several meters under the ground.”

Those guilty of this cruel practice can be prosecuted by the SPCA, NSPCA, and Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife.

No animal deserves to be buried alive.

Sign this petition to urge Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife to use all resources available to identify and prosecute anyone responsible for these gruesome acts, and to take measures to stop this terrible practice for good.

Authorities urge anyone with names, locations, or video evidence of the live burials to report their findings to the SPCA, NSPCA, and Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife.