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Lamar Township Volunteer Fire Department, station11@ltvfc.org

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PETITION TARGET: Lamar Township Volunteer Fire Department

UPDATE (2/26/2024): Sadly, the hunt fundraiser took place and, according to the fire company’s Facebook post, had “over 80 entries.” The post went on to display photographs of the animals slaughtered in this senseless killing contest. We appreciate all who signed our petition to denounce the hunt and will continue to fight for these horrific events to be banned.  — Lady Freethinker Staff


Pennsylvania’s wildlife – including grey and red foxes, opossums, raccoons, and coyotes – are at risk of being slaughtered during an upcoming “predator” hunt fundraiser where the individuals who kill the highest number of these animals over a three-day period will receive cash prizes, according to a Facebook post from Lamar Township Volunteer Fire Company.

This is the second such fundraiser in four months hosted by the Lamar Volunteer Fire Department in Mill Hall, PA. A previous Facebook post indicated that the Fire Department’s last “annual predator hunt” did not have the turnout they had expected, but they are “hoping it will grow.”

The animals killed in hunts like these are not used for meat or to protect the ecosystem, but for entertainment and money.

Ten states have outlawed similar hunting contests. They are still common in Pennsylvania, however.

In fact, according to the Centre Daily Times, Pennsylvania will host approximately 30 such predator hunts in winter alone. The same article mentioned that the Pennsylvania Game Commission estimates that organized contests like these account for the deaths of around 2,000 coyotes per year.

The fire department is receiving pushback both from members of the local community and from animal rights supporters – like you. This killing contest must be stopped to prevent the senseless slaughter of animals for “entertainment.”

Please sign our petition urging the Lamar Volunteer Fire Department to cancel their upcoming predator hunt.