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Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu: [email protected]

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PETITION TARGET: Gaza Authorities

UPDATE (7/11/2023): We sent our petition, signed by more than 26,000 people, to authorities in Gaza. Thank you to everyone who signed our petition! Unfortunately, we were not able to get any additional details about this case despite multiple checks back. We’ll continue to advocate for animals! —Lady Freethinker Staff


Rafah Zoo in Gaza brutally mutilated a young lioness named Falestine by viciously declawing her with a pair of gardening shears.

Video of the cruel act shows staff tying the legs of the still conscious animal, covering her head in a net so she could barely breathe, and holding her down as the ends of her toes are severed. She can be heard bellowing in pain as they hack her claws off.

Declawing a lion is cruel, unnecessary, and permanent. It’s not as simple as cutting fingernails or clipping your dog’s claws. The declawing procedure requires removing the last knuckle from each paw — the equivalent of chopping off the end of your toes or fingers.

Removing a big cat’s claws makes it difficult for them to perform natural behaviors such as climbing, hunting, or manipulating food. Done in an unsterile environment, as depicted in the video, declawing puts the animal at risk of serious infection.

Rafah Zoo owner Mohammed Jumaa said he ordered the procedure so zoo visitors — including small children — can safely play with the lion. He says he will declaw two more lion cubs at the zoo, claiming that if no veterinarian is available, he will perform the inhumane procedure himself.

The lions and other animals at Rafah Zoo live in horrific conditions, with an owner who doesn’t care about appropriate care or animal welfare. Allowing visitors to interact with the big cats is irresponsible and dangerous, as demonstrated by the recent death of a Czech man, killed by his “pet” lions.

Sign the petition urging authorities to ban the vicious practice of declawing the lions at Rafah Zoo, and shut down this hell on earth permanently.