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CT Commerce Committee: https://www.cga.ct.gov/ce/

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PETITION TARGET: Joint Committee on Commerce

Sensitive kangaroos are being stalked, shot, and killed in Australia so their skin can be ripped from their bodies and sold as leather — including to the United States.

Each year hunters kill 2 million wild kangaroos in night-time attacks. It’s estimated that over 500,000 babies – who are in their mother’s pouches at the time of the attacks – are also killed in the cruel ambushing.

Kangaroo leather is already banned in California because of the inherent cruelty. Now, similar legislation introduced in Connecticut aims to help stop the slaughter of these iconic animals.

H.B. 5113, the Kangaroo Protection Act, would alter state statutes relating to commerce to “prohibit the sale, barter and offering for sale or barter of any dead kangaroo or product made from dead kangaroos.”

Currently, 70 percent of the kangaroo leather sold goes to making soccer cleats, even though there are so many synthetic options — including those preferred by pro athletes — that would spare kangaroos.

There is absolutely no justification for shooting and killing intelligent kangaroos for shoes – or any other reason.

Sign our petition urging Connecticut legislators to help save kangaroos’ lives by fully supporting and passing H.B 5113.