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New York City Council: [email protected]

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PETITION TARGET: New York City Council

Hundreds of dead and dying songbirds littered the streets of New York City after colliding into buildings on two fatal days in October 2020 – with most of the more than 220 injured birds identified as protected migratory species. 

Disoriented, confused, and vulnerable to the city’s bright lights at night, an estimated 250,000 beautiful birds – from wood thrush to golden-winged warblers – die tragically and needlessly each year.

But now, new legislation in New York City could help these remarkable animals, by requiring buildings to turn off their lights at night as to not interfere with the birds’ path of flight.

The bill, Intro 896 could help to save countless songbirds. In one study, scientists found that on nights when half the windows on large buildings were darkened in Chicago, there were 11 times fewer bird collisions during spring migration, according to news reports.

NYC residents and legislators already have shown that they deeply care for birds, passing two bills in 2021 that limited light usage on city-owned buildings and that otherwise will work to reduce light pollution.

It’s time to build on that bird-loving history by passing this critical legislation.

Sign our petition urging the New York City Council to pass Intro 1039 to help save thousands of innocent birds from deadly collisions with buildings at night.