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U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Mike Johnson: https://mikejohnson.house.gov/contact/; U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer: https://www.schumer.senate.gov/contact/message-chuck

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A defeated grizzly bear’s lifeless body was left to rot in an Idaho drainage ditch after they were callously gunned down and killed by an alleged poacher. Without stronger permanent federal protection, innocent animals continue to be at risk of torment and death at the ruthless hands of humans.

Grizzly bears, wolves, and bison share a history of brutal massacre by hunters — which has caused them to become threatened or endangered. In states where few regulations exist, they may endure particularly merciless deaths: like the Wyoming wolf who was mowed down with a snowmobile and tormented before being killed.

Now, a new bill could better protect these majestic American species from such violent acts of cruelty. The Tribal Heritage and American Bison, Grizzly Bear, and Wolf Restoration and Coexistence Act would strengthen federal penalties and make it permanently illegal to have, sell, buy, move, or kill grizzly bears, bison, or wolves in the wild. It would also require the U.S. government to collaborate with Indigenous people in the reintroduction and management of bison, grizzly bears, and wolves on tribal land to better ensure the conservation of these species.

These species are sentient beings worthy of respect and life. They also play crucial roles in their ecosystems as previous reintroduction efforts have shown — proving that their conservation is a matter of urgency for all species.

“The respect and reverence for these animals are central to Indigenous teachings, which stress that all life is interconnected, and the well-being of one species affects the well-being of all,” Red Fawn Janis, a member of the Oglala Lakota, said in a statement from Booker’s press release.

Passing this bill into law could help ensure that these majestic species do not disappear.

Sign our petition to urge Congress to approve the Tribal Heritage and American Bison, Grizzly Bear, and Wolf Restoration and Coexistence Act to permanently protect these majestic animals and encourage respect for all living creatures.