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PETITION TARGET: Orange County State Attorney’s Office

A Pitbull named Camo was discovered unresponsive and emaciated in a crate covered in feces in his Florida home, according to an arrest warrant by the Orange County Animal Services (OCAS) officer who found him.

The innocent dog was denied adequate food, water, baths, and walks by his guardian – who threatened to kill him on multiple occasions, according to witnesses concerned for the dog’s life. Camo’s guardian also confined him in the crate with feces intentionally, as a punishment for barking, according to the witness. At one point, the witness recalled seeing Camo struggle to walk. Suspecting that Camo was being kicked, the witness contacted OCAS.

The responding officer also noted that Camo’s leg was wounded as he lay in the filthy crate while crate wires poked into the dog’s skin.

Camo’s guardian reportedly refused to take him to a veterinarian for medical care – despite an official notice instructing him to provide his dog with this basic need. Camo continued to waste away in the feces-covered crate without adequate food or water, according to a witness.

Photos of Camo’s condition when the officer returned to check on him showed he was alarmingly thin – his bones could be clearly seen under his skin

A photo of Camo the dog in a cage filled with feces, curled up sadly.

Courtesy of Orange County Animal Services

Camo was seized from the horrific conditions and taken to a veterinarian – but Camo did not recover. Tragically, Camo was euthanized, according to an email from OCAS to Lady Freethinker.

Camo was a friendly, healthy dog when he first arrived to the home, witnesses say. He deserved to be properly cared for and shown gentle, patient love. Instead, he appears to have been treated so cruelly that he could not recover. His guardian has been charged with cruelty to animals and confinement of an animal without food or water.

Sign the petition urging Orange County prosecutors to treat this case with the severity it deserves and hold the individual(s) responsible to the fullest extent of the law – including a lifelong ban on having animals.