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Rodez public prosecutor Nicolas Rigot-Muller, [email protected]

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PETITION TARGET: Rodez Public Prosecutor Nicolas Rigot-Muller

Seven innocent kittens were plucked one-by-one from a cardboard box and ruthlessly tossed from a bridge into the river below by a 16-year-old in Aveyron, France, as reported by French news.

The teen has reportedly confessed to the ruthless act of hurling the terrified kittens into the waters below. The horrifying incident was filmed and reportedly resulted in the death of all seven kittens. After sharing the video with friends, someone posted the cruel incident on TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, and X. The video quickly went viral, receiving over 900,000 views and 100,000 shares.

Kittens are sentient beings who feel pain. They do not deserve to be drowned for “entertainment” — or for any reason.

The teen will not be prosecuted in court but will face “alternative sanctions,” according to another French news source. In France, sentencing for minors found guilty of an offense primarily focuses on educational solutions rather than incarceration. 

In many cases, teens who commit violence against animals have already experienced violence themselves. They are also much more likely to eventually commit violence toward humans.

Intervention is imperative for teens who commit violence against animals, including intense psychological evaluation and rehabilitation to stop the cycle of violence and prevent the suffering of other innocent beings.

No animal should be viciously dropped to their death or made to suffer the agonizing pain of drowning.

Sign our petition urging courts to take this incident seriously and to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law — including requiring intensive psychiatric interventions for everyone who took part in the cruelty.