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State Attorney General Juan Manuel León León | [email protected]

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PETITION TARGET: State Attorney General Juan Manuel León León

A 4-month-old pit bull puppy name Orus was callously hacked to death with a machete in Mérida in the Yucatán.

The puppy was attacked, cut multiple times with the machete, and ruthlessly killed right outside his loving home — leaving his guardian Samanta Panti Asueta and the neighborhood shocked, according to The Yucatan Times.

“We don’t know who it was,” Asueta told news outlet Euro.EsEuro. “It’s not clear who the attacker could be.”

Orus’s death comes on the heels of several cases of other brutalities toward dogs in Mérida — including a dog dragged behind a motorcycle.

It’s time for authorities to send a clear message that animal abuse will not be tolerated. The cruelty and pain Orus suffered cannot go unpunished. 

Sign this petition to urge the State Attorney General to fully investigate this case and apprehend the person(s) responsible, before they have a chance to harm another innocent animal.