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Unified Police Department, [email protected]

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PETITION TARGET: Salt Lake County Animal Services

A Millcreek, UT cat named Cookie was brutally shot in the head and left bleeding from her neck and face. 

Cookie had gone outside around 10:30 that morning but had not returned. Phyllis Vollmer — whose father had taken in Cookie as a dumped stray three years ago — found her hiding beneath her dad’s trailer.

“I scooped her up because she had quite a bit of blood on her face,” Vollmer told KUTV 2 News in a separate story.

Cookie was rushed to Advanced Veterinary Care where Veterinarian Surgeon Lisa Anderson discovered someone had shot her in the neckTwo large pellets entered on the left side of Cookie’s neck, lodging on the right side of her skull close to her nasal cavity. Cookie also suffered from multiple face fractures.

Following her surgery and a return vet visit to insert a feeding tube, Cookie is on the road to recovery, but she still has multiple medical visits ahead of her.

Her shooter remains at large.

Please sign our petition urging Salt Lake County Animal Services to fully investigate and hold accountable the person(s) responsible for this senseless act before they can harm another animal.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Unified Police Department (UPD) at (801) 743-7000.