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Brazos County Sheriff's Office: [email protected] // Madison County Sheriff's Office: Fax: 936-348-3763 // Robertson County Sheriff's Office: [email protected]

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PETITION TARGET: Brazos County Sheriff’s Office, Madison County Sheriff’s Office, Robertson County Sheriff’s Office

Six cows were found dead and mutilated in different locations across Texas — all of whom had the hides around their mouths removed and their tongues “precisely” cut out, according to authorities.

Two of the cows also had external organs severed in the same precise manner, according to news reports.

The dead cows were found along highways in Texas near College Station spanning Brazos, Madison, and Robertson Counties, according to news reports.

Cows are loving and empathetic individuals who don’t deserve to be so cruelly tortured and killed. It’s crucial that the individual(s) responsible for these horrific deaths are held fully accountable for their cruel actions.

Sign the petition urging law enforcement to use all available resources to find those responsible for these extreme acts of violence, to forward any applicable animal cruelty charges on to a prosecutor, and for any prosecutor to treat this case with the severity it deserves.

Anyone with information on the cases or who observes any similar occurrences is asked to contact the Madison County Sheriff’s Office at 936-348-2755.