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Chilpancingo Police Department: https://www.facebook.com/SeguridadMunicipalChilpancingo/ And Mexican Government's Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources: [email protected]

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PETITION TARGET: Chilpancingo Police Department, Mexican Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources

Four intelligent and sensitive pygmy goats confined at a zoo in Mexico were reportedly killed and eaten under orders of the former zoo director, according to news reports.

The four male goats allegedly were killed and cooked on the zoo premises and then served to guests attending an end-of-the-year party, according to a statement from the Guerrero state environment department director.

The official investigation reportedly uncovered that other zoo animals also allegedly had been traded or sold to private citizens— including Watusi cattle, a zebra, and deer — and that several other animals — including a red-tailed hawk, baby macaw, reptiles, a female coyote, and a jaguarundi — are reportedly still missing.

It’s unclear whether any one has yet been officially charged for these acts, although officials have fired zoo director José Rubén Nava, who has denied all allegations against him.

The individual(s) responsible for this cruelty must be held responsible.

Sign our petition urging the Chilpancingo Police Department and the Mexican Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources to thoroughly investigate this case, forward any applicable animal cruelty charges on to a prosecutor, and push for full accountability — including a maximum ban on owning or working with animals to prevent others from being harmed.