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State Attorney for Pinellas County, Bruce Bartlett | [email protected]

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PETITION TARGET: State Attorney for Pinellas County, Bruce Bartlett

Two dogs and a cat starved to death inside a home in Florida — resorting to eating fabric and chewing through a door in their attempts to survive and escape before they perished.

The horrific cruelty came to light after a man purchased an auctioned house and found the skeleton of a dog in a bedroom. Officials who arrived on scene then found another mummified dog as well as a dead cat, according to the criminal complaint.

The complaint notes the animals were found in rooms with no food or water and feces piled up everywhere, and also that the animals turned to desperate measures — including eating fabric they found.

“There was also evidence one dog chewed through the door in an attempt to escape,” the complaint notes.

One of the dog’s microchips led authorities to the reported previous owner of the house. The microchips in the corpses of the other animals showed the man had adopted the cat from a shelter and that the other dog had been reported as stolen.

Authorities have charged a man with three counts of animal cruelty, according to WFLA.

These loving animals deserved full and happy lives —  not ones that were slowly and excruciatingly ended.

Sign this petition to urge the State Attorney for Pinellas County to prosecute this crime to the fullest extent of the law, including a lifelong ban on having animals for the individual(s) responsible.