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Senate Committee on Agriculture - Chairman- Sen. Cynthia A. Villar - FAX: (632) 8-552-6734, email: [email protected]

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PETITION TARGET: Senate Committee on Agriculture

UPDATE (10/28/2024): The Revised Animal Welfare Act did not pass before the 2023 – 2024 legislative session ended despite having a lot of support. We will keep watching for updates to the 2024 – 2025 legislative session bill. —Lady Freethinker Staff


A beloved three-year-old golden retriever named Killua was brutally beaten to death, stuffed in a bag, and dumped like garbage in Bato, Camarines Sur in the Philippines — inspiring legislators in the country to consider revising the Animal Welfare Act with many changes to better protect animals.

The Revised Animal Welfare Act, if passed, would create an Animal Welfare Bureau with resources to better respond to — and prevent — animal cruelty. The Bureau would be responsible for enforcing animal welfare laws and responding to animal rescue needs during natural disasters.

The Bureau could also better protect dogs from the illegal activities of dog meat traders, according to an explanatory note in the bill.

The proposed legislation includes educational and community-focused elements. If passed, the bill would create mandatory animal welfare education programs in schools so that children learn to value and respect animals. It would create more robust legal protections for companion animals as well as local task forces trained to respond to animal welfare concerns.

This proposed bill could protect countless animals like Killua from heartbreaking cruelty.

Sign our petition urging the Senate Committee on Agriculture to improve animal welfare laws in the Philippines by passing the Revised Animal Welfare Act.