A tiny, white puppy was safely delivered into the loving arms of his guardian after rescuers pulled him free from the air ducts inside his Colorado home.

Archie, a little Pekingese puppy, found himself falling down four long stories of dark air ducts after he tumbled through an open vent in the floor of his townhouse home, according to South Metro Fire Rescue. The hole in the floor was small, but so was Archie: The pup was only 12 weeks old and about five pounds.

Archie cried for help, deep inside the dark air vents, as his family desperately called out to him through the hole in the floor. Unable to see Archie, they could only talk to him and listen to his fearful whines echo around the house while they waited for help to arrive.

A rescue crew was quick to the scene — including first responders from South Metro Fire Rescue, local deputies, and even plumbing professionals.

Over the course of three hours, the team carefully worked to free Archie. They used cameras inside the web of air ducts to locate the lost puppy, and then cut into the ceiling to access the ducts where they believed he was stuck.

After crawling up into the ceiling to the air ducts, a plumbing professional pulled a duct apart — and finally had eyes on the lost puppy. A video from South Metro Fire Rescue showed the moment Archie’s nervous face popped out of the opened duct.

“Come here, buddy!” The rescuer called out to Archie, whistling and kindly coaxing the wide-eyed puppy towards him before pulling him to safety.

Archie was nearly as big as the air duct he was pulled from.

Archie and his guardian both looked overcome with relief when they were reunited. The dog’s guardian looked on the verge of tears as she rushed to the tiny dog with arms outstretched, before hugging him close and reassuring him. Archie’s family was full of gratitude to the rescue crew.

Archie’s white fur was covered in dust and he looked exhausted by the hours-long ordeal, but fortunately, he was not injured from the fall.

Lady Freethinker applauds the dedication displayed by South Metro Fire Rescue, Douglas County Sheriff’s deputies, and Denver Plumbline Services in aiding Archie after his unfortunate fall.