West Hollywood’s extraordinary new resolution has made the city even more compassionate: Plant-based foods will now become the default option for all food and drinks served at city-financed events, according to local news. Private events will not be included.

The mandate is a huge victory for animal rights and reducing the senseless suffering animals experience on factory farms. This news comes just five months after Los Angeles County approved a new policy to promote plant-based eating at county facilities like hospitals, schools, and other institutions.

The Plant-Based Food Policy for City-Sponsored Events is heavily focused on inclusivity. It considers the various food restrictions many people face, including “the 30-50 million Americans who are lactose intolerant, individuals with cultural and/or religious dietary restrictions, and the growing number of young people who are choosing to eat more plant-based foods for health reasons.”

While the measure doesn’t ban animal products — they’ll be available upon request — it recognizes that “every aspect of a food system, from production to distribution, intersects the climate crisis,” which was cited as an essential consideration in West Hollywood’s Climate Action and Adaptation Plan.

The current meat-based food system most countries rely on is not only cruel to the animals that are slaughtered but also unsustainable in terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and global warming.

The West Hollywood City Council initiative garnered overwhelming support from a diverse range of community members and organizations. This united front is a powerful testament to the community’s role in driving positive change.

Lady Freethinker applauds the West Hollywood City Council and all those who fought to make plant-based food the standard — as well as those who speak out to normalize food systems that don’t harm or kill animals.