Two black Labrador retrievers stuck in an icy pond in Indiana were rescued by a compassionate officer of the Fort Wayne Police Department, according to local news.

Responding to a 911 call, Officer Trent Hullinger found the animals side by side in the freezing water. The dogs were gripping the concrete edge of the water reservoir but were unable to pull themselves up.

Fortunately, Hullinger was previously trained by Fort Wayne Animal Care & Control as an animal control officer, so he knew how to approach the nervous dogs. Hullinger’s bodycam recorded him speaking gently to the dogs as he walked towards them.

He coaxed them to come towards him, but the dogs appeared unable to move in the freezing water. One at a time, Hullinger hoisted the dogs out of the water and onto the grass, all the while speaking gentle reassurances.

The dogs immediately appeared grateful for the rescue. They shook off the water, wagged their tails, and happily ran alongside the officer as he led them to his warm car to dry off.

The dogs were turned over to Fort Wayne Animal Care and Control with hopes of finding their guardian. While no one came forward to claim the dogs, the story still has a happy ending.

The two boy dogs were adopted together — and they have a new “lab sister.”

Before the boys headed to their new home, Officer Hullinger dropped by for a reunion to help celebrate the rescued dogs’ adoption day.

Lady Freethinker applauds the concerned citizen who noticed the dogs in need and called for help, Officer Hullinger for his quick response, and the compassionate people at Fort Wayne Animal Care & Control who helped the two boys find a new loving family.

For another successful rescue story, read how three cats rescued from a ditch joined the local fire department family.