Louie, a cuddly two-month-old puppy in Indiana, is gaining confidence with his foster family after rescuers found him abandoned inside a porta-potty, local news reported.

A City of Fort Wayne Right-of-Way employee found the helpless puppy dumped in the portable toilet and quickly contacted Fort Wayne Animal Care & Control (FWACC) for aid.

“This sweet boy was malnourished with his rib cage and spine showing, had urine-stained paws and overgrown nails, and was quite scared,” FWACC wrote in a heartbreaking Facebook post.

Fortunately, Louie swiftly warmed up to the staff, showing a playfulness and desire for human closeness — despite the fear and trauma he endured from being abandoned with no food or water. In no time, he was snuggling up with the new humans, who were just as happy to shower him with the attention and kindness he deserved.

Thanks to the dedicated care of FWACC’s veterinarians, Louie could leave and head to his new foster home. It took Louie several days to come out of his shell after meeting his foster family, but he’s been making tremendous progress. After clinging anxiously to her after his arrival, his foster mom reported that four days later, he ventured away from the safety of her bedroom and slept alone in his own bed.

After a few days, Louie slowly began warming up to his new siblings. FWACC posted an adorable Facebook video of Louie gleefully pouncing on big brother Snickers, who had been trying to play with the puppy ever since his arrival. Despite his small size, Louie confidently circled the giant dog, nipping at his paws and tail before spiritedly leaping onto him. Louie was learning how to be a puppy.

Nearly three weeks after his rescue, Louie is a completely changed dog. He has finally discovered what being safe, confident, and happy means.

“He’s no longer afraid of loud noises, crowds of people, being away from me, or mass chaos of children,” his foster mom said.

Lady Freethinker applauds everyone who helped save Louie — from his rescuer to the FWACC and his patient foster mom. All animals deserve to know what it means to be loved and treated as valuable family members.