Margot the dog was stranded on an island in the middle of a Rhode Island pond before being rescued by the Cumberland Fire Department.

The little curly-haired dog had been missing for 24 hours when Cumberland Animal Control officers arrived, according to local news. A neighbor had seen Margot on one of the islands in Rawson Pond, surrounded by cold water.

When Margo wasn’t found on the island where she’d first been spotted, the rescuers became concerned that she could have tried to swim home and been taken away by the current. The treacherous water and a nearby waterfall spelled danger for the small dog.

The search continued. Margot was seen again, later the same day, on a different island.

Four firefighters came to the rescue, paddling a giant red inflatable boat out to the larger island, which was about 175 yards farther from shore than the island where Margot was initially spotted. The golden dog appeared soaking wet, cold, and frightened. 

The team secured the scared dog and paddled back to shore. Then a neighbor helped return Margot to her family.

“Margot is now warm, safe, and receiving lots of snuggles and cuddles,” Cumberland/Lincoln Animal Control shared in a Facebook post, the evening of her rescue.

While it is not known how Margot found herself lost on the island in dangerous weather, the group effort to bring her home safely is heartwarming.

Lady Freethinker applauds the Cumberland Fire Department and Animal Control officers, as well as the concerned neighbors, for their dedication to finding and saving Margot.

For another animal rescue story, read about how a deer was rescued from a perilous situation.