SIGN: Stop Forcing Monkeys to Become Alcohol Addicts in Lab
PETITION TARGETS: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA); University of...
Sign This PetitionI love animals, and at age 13 went vegetarian and stopped using products tested on animals. I am now vegan and feel so much better physically and also overall to be living a life aligned with my deepest held convictions that we must, as humans, steward in a more compassionate world for all beings. I'm honored to share my home with dog Kody and cats Apple and Canyon. Before coming to Lady Freethinker, I taught middle and high school writing, then obtained my master's degree from ASU's Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and worked as an investigations and local government reporter for five years for The Shreveport Times and the Yakima Herald-Republic.
Posted by Lex Talamo | Nov 16, 2023 |
PETITION TARGETS: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA); University of...
Sign This PetitionPosted by Lex Talamo | Nov 16, 2023 |
Editorial Note: Lady Freethinker thanks Action for Primates and Dr. Nedim Buyukmihci for their...
Sign This PetitionPosted by Lex Talamo | Nov 13, 2023 |
Seventeen more wild horses are dead following another brutal helicopter roundup in Nevada —...
Sign This PetitionPosted by Lex Talamo | Nov 13, 2023 |
PETITION TARGETS: Minister for the Environment and Water Tanya Plibersek, NSW Minister for Climate...
Sign This PetitionPosted by Lex Talamo | Nov 9, 2023 |
Research into the environmental impact of raising cows for people’s food may have been sabotaged...
Sign This PetitionPosted by Lex Talamo | Nov 8, 2023 |
An infant primate born to baboon mother Jemma in a university lab in Virginia started suffering —...
Sign This PetitionPosted by Lex Talamo | Nov 8, 2023 |
PETITION TARGET: U.S. Representatives Wild animals are having their bones crushed, their spines...
Sign This PetitionPosted by Lex Talamo | Nov 7, 2023 |
An 8-year-old, blind border collie named Sparky is now safe and sound after being rescued by...
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